Software for structural analysis of trusses (Pinned elements)

Software tool for structural analysis of trusses (Pinned elements). It features a powerful finite element solver to analyze trusses consisting of elements with rotational releases at their both ends. The deformed configuration under external loads is calculated and the axial force diagram of the structure provided by the user is represented. The creation of the model is an easy and quick task as the user can take advantage of the intelligent user interface of the software. Its versatile graphical user interface, the predifend libraries and many other available features can save you time and effort. Moreover, the program also supportes non-linear static analysis (second order analysis) for the consideration of P-Delta effects.
2D Truss Analysis is a powerfull application that uses optimized finite elements (bar elements) in order to perform static analysis of trusses. Its versatile interface as well as its easy customization make it a leader-product in truss analysis. Try it and start saving time and money!
Static analysis of trusses with detailed calculation reports. Awarded as top structural engineering software.
We challenge you to try out this truss analysis program, as there are other analysis programs out there, but you will convince yourself that Engissol Frame 2D is unique because of its features and the ease in using it. Analyze any type of truss, including pitched, parallel chord, truncated, Pratt type, King post, Attic truss etc.
Analysis features
- All elements are assumed pinned (Releases of rotational degrees of freedom at both nodes)
- All units supported (Metric, Imperial, Custom)
- Rich list of predefined materials (concrete, hot rollerd and cold formed steel, aluminum, timber, etc.)
- Large library of predefined cross sections (European, AISC, Australian, British Chinese, Indian, Aluminum, etc.)
- Template models for trusses (sloped, vertical, Pratt, Howe, Fink etc.)
- Unlimited number of load cases
- Unlimited number of load combinations (Add, Envelope, Absolute, SRSS combination types)
- End length offset elements
- Shear deformation elements (Timoshenko elements)
- Semi-rigid end releases
- Local, global, projected global coordinate systems for load application on elements
- Uniform, trapezoidal and span loads
- Thermal loads
- All types of nodal restraints are supported (roller, hinge, fixed, etc.)
- Translational and rotational spring supports
- Non-linear static analysis for consideration of second order effects (Pi-Delta)
- Linear and non linear static analysis
- Graphical representation of nodal reactions
- Graphical representation of deformed shape
- Graphical representation of internal force diagrams (axial, shear force and bending moment)
- Tabular representation of the analysis results, exportable to Excel
- Automatic creation of rich calculation report, exportable to pdf, doc and xls formats
- Extremely easy model creation, no need to first define nodes and then elements, nodes are produced automatically
- 32/64 bit compatible
- Compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11, 32/64 bit