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BucklingCheckResults Fields

Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 8 Design Library

The BucklingCheckResults type exposes the following members.

Public fieldC1
Coefficients for current moment diagram
Public fieldC2
Public fieldC3
Public fieldDMy
Resulting additional moment about yy axis because of the centroid shift of the effective area relative to the center of gravity of the gross cross section according to
Public fieldDMz
Resulting additional moment about zz axis because of the centroid shift of the effective area relative to the center of gravity of the gross cross section according to
Public fieldEulerCriticalLoady
Critical axial load for flexural (Euler) buckling about yy axis
Public fieldEulerCriticalLoadz
Critical axial load for flexural (Euler) buckling about zz axis
Public fieldkyy
Interaction factors according to Table A1, Annex A - Method 1 (EC3, Part 1-1)
Public fieldkyz
Public fieldkzy
Public fieldkzz
Public fieldM2
Public fieldM3
Internal forces that are used during the buckling resistance calculation
Public fieldNcompression
Public fieldNcrT
Critical axial load for torsional buckling
Public fieldNcrTF
Critical axial load for torsional flexural buckling
Public fieldRatio1
Capacity ratio of equation 6.61 for member subjected to compression and biaxial bending
Public fieldRatio2
Capacity ratio of equation 6.62 for member subjected to compression and biaxial bending
Public fieldRatioLateralTorsionalBucklingForCraneGirder
Interaction ratio of members subjected to combined bending and torsion
Public fieldSectionClassY
Section class at the maximum moment point
Public fieldSectionClassZ
Public fieldT_FT_Ratio
Capacity ratio against torsional and torsional flexural buckling under compression force Ncompression.
Public fieldx_T_FT
Reduction factor for Torsional and flexural torsional buckling, only for open sections
Public fieldxLT
Reduction factor for lateral torsional buckling under moment about yy axis
Public fieldxy
Reduction factor x for flexural (Euler) buckling about yy axis
Public fieldxz
Reduction factor x for flexural (Euler) buckling about zz axis
See Also