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FrameSuperElement Class

3D Frame Analysis Library
Super frame element
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Frame3D
Assembly:  Frame3D (in Frame3D.dll) Version: 1.0.7422.36923 (
public class FrameSuperElement : FiniteElement

The FrameSuperElement type exposes the following members.

Public methodFrameSuperElement
Initialization of a frame super element
Public methodGetDisplacementsForLoadCase
Public methodGetDisplacementsForLoadCombination
Gets displacements for the specified load combination
Public methodGetInternalForcesForLoadCase
Gets the internal forces at the given location
Public methodGetInternalForcesForLoadCombination
Gets the internal forces for the specified load combination
Public methodGetModalDisplacements
Gets the modal displacements at the specified location of the frame element
Public methodGetWinklerSpringReactionsForLoadCase
Gets the winkler spring reactions at the given location
Public methodGetWinklerSpringReactionsForLoadCombination
Gets the winkler spring reactions for the specified load combination
Public methodLength
Element length
Public fieldAdditionalMass
Additional element mass, which is taken into account in dynamic analysis only
Public fieldCompressionOnly_for_NL_analysis
Specifies whether the element is compression only (active in non linear analysis only)
Public fieldconsiderConnectionWithNodesAlongElementLength
Specifies whether connections between nodes on element length is considered
Public fieldConsiderShearEffect
True, if shear work will be considered (Timoshenko element), otherwise false
Public fieldEndingNode
Ending Node
Public fieldEndingNode_Releases
Member releases at starting node
Public fieldLinearLoadCasesList
List of the linear load cases of the element
Public fieldRigidOffsetEndDx
Rigid offset at ending node
Public fieldRigidOffsetStartDx
Rigid offset at starting node
Public fieldSection
Section object of the frame element
Public fieldStartingNode
Starting Node
Public fieldStartingNode_Releases
Member releases at starting node
Public fieldStationsPoints
Points along element, where internal nodes will be created
Public fieldTensionOnly_for_NL_analysis
Specifies whether the element is tension only (active in non linear analysis only)
Public fieldType
Frame element type
Public fieldWinklerStiffnessY
Stiffness (>0) of winkler springs in local Y direction (Dimensions are Force/m/m)
Public fieldWinklerStiffnessZ
Stiffness (>0) of winkler springs in local Z direction (Dimensions are Force/m/m)
A super frame element represents a frame element of 2 nodes in 3d space with 12 degrees of freedom.
See Also